New Location:  41 Oakland Road, Suite 300, Asheville, NC 28801

Ashewell Medical Group

I think Direct Primary Care is the cat’s meow and see our patients thriving. I see a patient’s shedding pounds with guidance and support, getting a diagnosis which has alluded them for many years, finding treatments which work for them and improve the quality of their lives. Most importantly, I see the effects of compassion resonate in waves in our community.

At Ashewell, when a small business bring us, 5+ employees, we give everyone unlimited care for $59/month. These companies are not required to be ACA compliant. They don’t have to offer their employees anything. So what does it say about the companies who do? It says that these companies and their business owners truly show compassion.

Compassion is defined as showing concern for those who are sick or have suffered misfortune. Studies show that the introduction of compassionate management into our workplaces lead to employee retention, decreased stress, and improved health. In addition, compassion is contagious and if you treat people kindly, then they too want to treat others with care and generosity.

Ashewell has over 10 companies who choose to show compassion by offering their employees unlimited primary care. The article below is just one written about the myriad of benefits. Personally, I think a lot of this has to do with the culture of Asheville, which remains grounded in its sense of community and neighborliness. I am proud to be included in this group of like minded people with a shared sense of the importance of wellness. Enjoy this article!

And, just so you know, compassion is practiced at Ashewell Medical Group everyday. My lovely employees know that I am here for them and truly care for their wellbeing. They support me everyday in this crazy dream I have of high quality, affordable health care. I couldn’t appreciate them more.…