New Location:  41 Oakland Road, Suite 300, Asheville, NC 28801

Ashewell Medical Group

Sometimes we all need a little bit more…

THRIVE Ashewell

“The Collaborative Care Model”

American Psychiatric Association

The AIMS Center at the University of Washington’s visual representation of the Collaborative Care protocol.

KEY BENEFITS: Ashewell uses an evidenced based collaborative care model because it improves clinical outcomes and saves time and stress for our patients.

How it Works:

  • Your doc refers you to Ashewell’s in-house therapist. The therapist reaches out by telephone, provides further assessment, and engages you in care. Our therapist works with you to set goals, provide counseling, monitor medications, and regularly assess symptoms. 
  • Need more? Our experienced Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner can provide a comprehensive assessment for diagnosis and initiate medication management. Psychotherapy is also available.
  • Your primary care provider, Psychiatric NP and therapist collaborate your care to optimize your wellness seamlessly and affordably.
  • Enrollment in our collaborative program requires no minimum, however a 3 month commitment is recommended to optimize patient outcomes. Fees are billed monthly.
  • Cost for collaborative care varies, depending on what resources are utilized and to what degree. The approximate service costs are $100-200/ hour, including the screening intake, and you are only billed for services rendered.

Read more on Collaborative Care from Harvard Health Publications…